20 Arcade Games That Prove 1986 Was A Landmark Year For Gaming

13. Darius – Taito

Out Run Title Screen

This was the game that started the franchise we are still playing today with last year’s release of the excellent Darius Burst. It was also notable for several more interesting reasons; it was the first game to use 3 screens to wrap around the player giving, a huge play area, and was also the first game of its type to allow you to choose your own route through the levels, giving it multiple different endings. 

Home versions soon followed but none of them managed to truly replicate the full arcade experience.

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Kieren is from England and is a well known figure in gaming circles. As a writer he is probably best known for his work on the award-winning Retro Gamer magazine but over the years he has written for numerous publications and websites. A keen games collector himself, he is also the organiser of several UK-based gaming events and has a big social media presence.