20 Awesome PS3 Exclusives You Need to Play Before Getting A PS4

8. Infamous 2

Infamous 2 Did you know just before Infamous 2 came out, developers Sucker Punch had to completely change Cole's character design? It was after a series of screenshots were released showing the superhero/supervillain sporting hair and looking distinctly like Nathan Drake. Due to general moaning from the gaming community, this new look was soon axed and Cole returned to looking like something that had been churned out through a cheese grater. Huzzah for internet powers! Anyhoo, once Cole was again suitably attired (with a snazzy new shirt and set of trousers) he decided to take a holiday to a new city, develop some new powers and become even more ridiculously over-powered than before. He could fly further, his electricity powers were more potent, and the storyline/mission structure was much more varied. The game still retained the spirit of the original, but built on it significantly and delivered a much more engaging experience. Like the original, Infamous 2 allowed the player to be as bad or as good as they pleased. Cole's appearance drastically changed again depending on how you acted and the storyline branches differently as each decision is made. It's a simple system, but for a game about superpowers, not being forced down a certain path is engaging enough to carry out multiple playthroughs. Of course you'll want to be bad if you play it. Everyone knows the bad guys always get better powers.
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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.