20 Best Stealth Video Games Of All Time

12. Thief: The Dark Project

If 005 and Castle Wolfenstein were the fore fathers of the stealth genre, then Thief: The Dark Project is one of its favoured sons. It's the kind of game that only comes out once in a lifetime, where all the little parts of it work together in the most perfect way possible. When most people think of a stealth game, chances are that Thief is one of the first places that their mind goes to. It's a challenging game, but it doesn't overload you to the point of frustration. Every move you make feels real and organic, so much so that you'll never really be able to blame faulty design for being caught. The use of light and shadows was supremely innovative for the time, putting you into situations where only your ingenuity would save you.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.