20 Best Video Game Controllers Ever

17. Kempston Competition Pro

Kempston created an industry standard in the shape of their home computer joystick interface. It was a small black box which permitted lots of third party joysticks to work with the most popular PC - the ZX Spectrum. This standard allowed Sinclair owners to use the Atari CX40 for example (see number 19) and so it made financial senses for Kempston to "borrow" elements of it and create the Competition Pro. Its pommel style controller with two bright red arcade buttons soon sat along side the CX40 as icons of the early joystick era. Whether a player owned a C64, Spectrum, Amiga or any other computer of the time there's a good chance they also owner a Competition Pro or indeed one of its many third party knock-offs.
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A Welsh semi-retired television producer and actor known for low end work that astonishingly people actually watched and even garnered some awards. Originally residing in the electrically-challenged Amish areas of Pennsylvania he has written a few books (Hollywood Pants and Hollywood Horrible Hints and Terribly Fake Tips vols 1 & 2) which you can buy on amazon and all great book stores. After a brief stint in Australia he now finds himself back in the Welsh valleys of his home country noting that it hasn't changed a bit!