20 Best Video Game Exclusives Of The Generation

8. Death Stranding

Death stranding
Kojima Productions

Easily the most unique game of the generation and one I'm forever glad saw the light of day, Hideo Kojima's first new IP in almost two decades is as quirky and ridiculous as it is enthralling and addictive.

Sitting atop myriad systems all geared towards item delivery, you're left with a feeling of "Just one mission", the game rolling out scores of upgrades, weapons and items for the entirety of its 50 hour runtime. This combines with a thoroughly no-limits story where invisible ghosts, exploding corpses and time-travel intersect to comment on the futility of life, and the purpose of living for today.

It's bloated, ambitious and a tad overlong in the back 10 hours, but Death Stranding is also essential gaming. Kojima had years' worth of fresh ideas, concepts and character traits, and he held NOTHING back.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.