20 Best Video Game Heroes Of The 21st Century - Ranked

11. Tracer

Video Game Characters

"Cheers love, the cavalry's here!"

Despite being a fairly recent addition to gaming, Tracer has quickly become one of this generation's most iconic characters, and rightfully so. Even in a game like Overwatch with no discernable story, Tracer could easily be called the star.

One of the things that propelled Tracer to cult status is the game that she comes from, Overwatch. Overwatch is hugely popular, and despite not being one of the best characters in the game, Tracer easily has some of the most interesting lore and character given to her.

Tracer is also easily the most developed and interesting character in the whole of Overwatch's lore, and that makes her stand out in a game that is full of quirky and colourful characters.

Tracer also represents a big step in gaming, as she’s not just a female leading character but a gay one. There’s not many of them around, especially when Tracer debuted, and that has made her an even bigger icon for the industry.

There’s even more potential for Tracer’s character, and it’s something that we hope to see developed very soon.

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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.