20 Best Video Game Heroes Of The 21st Century - Ranked

1. Nathan Drake

Video Game Characters
Naughty Dog

"Kitty got wet!"

There aren’t many characters that Nolan North hasn’t voiced, but out of all of them there is one that reigns supreme- Nathan Drake.

Hailing from a series of games as beloved as the Uncharted series may seem like an unfair advantage, but one of the reasons why Uncharted is so beloved is because of Nate.

The main reason for this is because no matter what, Nathan always keeps going, even in the face of great adversity. He’s got legitimate cracks in his facade and a really interesting back-story too, which makes following all of his adventures genuinely rewarding.

When it gets to the point where celebrities are starring in fan-made films because of your character, you know you’ve got a hero that's truly made an impact.

The simple fact is that Nathan Drake is the best hero gaming has seen in a long time, and he's one that we've seen grow with us. PlayStation absolutely wouldn't be the same without him.


Are there any characters you think we're missing? Let us know in the comments below!

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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.