20 Best Video Game Heroes Of The 21st Century - Ranked

16. Jak & Daxter

Video Game Characters

"Orange lightning! Za-zing!"

We may not have seen this pair in a long while, but that doesn't mean they've been forgotten.

There are many duos in gaming, but Jak and Daxter are considered two of the most memorable. The fact that they haven't been seen in so long has undoubtedly contributed to their popularity, but they were still some of the most loved characters on the PS2.

The fact that Jak and Daxter have such different personalities is part of the reason why they work so well as a pair. Jak is strong and silent, whilst Daxter is the complete opposite.

This chemistry is one that isn't seen too much in gaming, and whilst both characters work on their own, they work much better together. Daxter needs Jak to know when to shut up, and Jak needs Daxter to keep his humanity, and this dynamic is what makes the story work.

Let's hope that the next generation of gaming may see a return for two of the PS2's most beloved characters.

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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.