20 Best Video Game Heroes Of The 21st Century - Ranked

14. Raiden

Video Game Characters

"My sword is a tool of justice."

Bet you were expecting someone else huh?

Although Solid Snake may have made a much bigger impact than any other Metal Gear Solid character, he debuted back in the 80s which means he can’t be included here. We’re going to do what Kojima did and put Raiden in his place instead.

If we were still back in the Metal Gear Solid 2 days, that might be controversial, but ever since Revengeance and Guns of the Patriots it’s pretty much agreed that Raiden is awesome.

Raiden is iconic not just because of his surprise appearance as the protagonist of Metal Gear Solid 2, but because of his massive change into a bad-ass cyborg with major sword skills.

This change cemented Raiden as one of the best Metal Gear characters, which is ironic considering how he was initially received.

Raiden's appearance in his own game, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, also solidified him as one of the better things to happen to the Metal Gear franchise and considering how prestigious it is, that's no small feat.

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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.