20 Best Video Game Websites In The World Today

10. GamesIndustry International

GamesindustryURL:gamesindustry.bizPlatform: Multi Focus: Games industry coverage. Best Feature: The jobs section is a fantastic resource for those hoping to break into the industry. Aimed entirely at those either in, or hoping to break into the gaming industry, GamesIndustry International is all about the business side of things. A serious site filled with insider information, GamesIndustry International isn't the place to go if you're looking for the latest Call of Duty multiplayer tips. GamesIndustry International's primary focus is on up-to-date coverage of industry news, although it frequently publishes a number of interesting editorials that are written from an industry perspective. The site's Jobs section is also stocked full of listings, with placements at developers and publishers of all sizes. If you have any interest whatsoever in the business behind your favourite hobby, GamesIndustry International should be your number one choice for video game industry news and information.
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Tom Butler hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.