12. Retro Gamer
URL:retrogamer.netPlatform: Retro
Focus: Articles that take a look back at the early days of gaming.
Best Feature: The Making of segments provide an interesting insight into the stories behind some of gaming historys most iconic games. One of the few magazines to still exist in print form, Retro Gamer has a relatively small, but hugely dedicated following. Devoted entirely to gaming's past, the Retro Gamer website continues to revisit old games and the hardware they were played on. Despite focusing only on early gaming titles, the Retro Gamer team regularly publishes new, nostalgia-filled content. With a strong portfolio of industry connections, Retro Gamer frequently posts features that explore the history behind some of the most legendary games in history, through exclusive interviews and fascinating anecdotes. Although Retro Gamer is living in the past, the site also frequently takes a look at more modern titles in its 'Future Classic' segments, attempting to predict which titles will be remembered or forgotten by history. A delight for anyone that remembers gaming before digital downloads and multi-million advertising deals, Retro Gamer offers a well-written journey down memory lane.