20 Best Video Games Of 2017

4. NieR: Automata

nier automata
Platinum Games

The latest from action maestros Platinum Games, NieR sees them partner with visionary Yoko Taro for one of the most in-depth, emotional and fourth wall-breaking games of all time.

On the gameplay side you've got the truly innovative idea of blending third-person hack n' slash combat with side scrolling platforming and shooting, and top-down bullet hell segments, all dynamically shifted between on the fly thanks to one constant control scheme as the camera moves around.

Pair this with a story centred on two androids attempting to cleanse Earth of an alien race that wiped out humanity. The remaining humans are holed up on the moon, and thus begins a fantastic exploration of war, purpose, faith and humanity.

All of the latter elements come to the fore depending on how much you want to get lost in thematics, but even as a straight video game i.e. focusing on playability, NieR goes places mechanically that no other developer would even dream of. Hopefully it provides influence for many studios to follow, and whatever Platinum do next, is going to be mighty damn special.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.