20 Best Video Games Of The Generation (So Far)

18. Until Dawn

Until Dawn

Nowhere near enough games recognise the lovable tropes of teen horror. And yet, despite Until Dawn being very well received in 2015 - even as a multiplayer game, being it plays like surviving your favourite slasher flick - time hasn't immortalised its charms anywhere near as much as it deserves.

And that's a crying shame, because although what Supermassive Games achieved looks like a generic shock-a-thon, under the hood there's a very complex web of overlapping plot strands - all of which you'll dictate through choices, dialogue options and in-game mechanics. Miss a dodge prompt, forget to take a weapon with you or otherwise get caught when what goes bump in the night comes calling, and that character you were controlling is now dead forever.

Brilliantly, the game keeps going. Everyone can die, and everyone can live, but it's in figuring out all these interworking systems that gives Until Dawn its unique replayability. That, along with the realisation you're tugging on a handful of plot threads at once, every time the game asks how you'd like to proceed.

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