20 Biggest WTF Moments In Pokémon History

15. The Creation Of 'YOLO'

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Time for one of your favourite Pokémon-related memes now, as we remind ourselves that one of our generation's most memorable and annoying phrases wasn't actually conceived by Drake or one of his cronies. That's right, it's time to remember that YOLO was actually introduced back in Pokémon's first generation!

A biker just outside Saffron City boldly explains to the player that he likes to seize each day and live every moment with a painful awareness about life's fleeting nature. It's an inspiring call to arms, though perhaps one that was wasted on the players who read it while glued to their handheld gaming devices...

Nevertheless, when Wikipedia tells you that 'YOLO' shares its origins with the likes of Carpe Diem but all you can think is how it's really just a thing some annoying brat says when he's disobeying his flaccid parents, do remind yourself that the Saffron City biker probably did actually want it to be worth so much more!

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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.