20 Comic Book Video Games You Must Play Before You Die
18. Judge Dredd: Dredd Vs. Death
The PS2 was a hotbed for mid-tier development back in the day. Chances are if you had an idea and a handful of coders, you too could release any old gubbins and it'd catch on - so incredibly furtive was the ground underneath Sony's sophomore baby. As such, the loveably gore-happy first-person maestros Rebellion got their hands on the Judge Dredd IP, throwing out what's still one of the most enjoyable and playable titles to bare his name. Dredd's actually surprisingly underrepresented in the world of gaming - especially seeing as 2012's self-titled movie did incredibly well - but Vs. Death simply existed to give you an entire game of that scene from the first Stallone movie, where Dredd orders an assortment of ammunition types by voice, blowing the holy hell out of a few apartments' worth of perps in the process. Guns were stupidly OTT when it came to sound effects and tactile feedback, melee attacks would punch dudes' heads clean off, and the overall feeling of being this bulking death-dealing maniac-with-a-badge was front and centre. Forget the middling reviews it received at launch, the reality is DvD never wanted to be anything more than an overly-machismo blast-a-thon. It might be the sort of thing that only works in an early-2000s "I used to love this as a kid"-kinda way, but providing you're not after anything more than a glorious explosion-fest doth'd in suitably bulky Judge Dredd clothing, there's nothing better.