So, how about those chainsaws? We're only up to entry #12, and already, this is the third game to feature the industrial tool meant for felling trees and cutting stone. Except, the tool is rarely (if ever) used for such mundane purposes in video games. Instead, surfaces of the more fleshy variety are where the rapidly-spinning blade calls home in gaming. Resident Evil 4's humorously-named Dr. Salvador has - presumably - gotten bored with being a normal surgeon, and upgraded his scalpel to something more heavy-duty. Amputation is clearly Salvador's strong point; he certainly seems to be interested in separating Leon's head from his shoulders, at least. Capcom has (or more specifically, Shinji Mikami) always had the biggest imagination when it comes to devising new ways to scare the player witless, and hearing the quiet revs of Salvador's weapon-of-choice ramp-up in the distance is always enough to cause wet-pants syndrome. You never know what direction he's coming from, and more often than not, he'll already be on top of you before you even have a chance to keep your neck out of harm's way.
Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.