20 Greatest Ever Pokemon Designs

11. Noctowl

Noctowl I like owls. I apologize for that start, it seems odd even to me, but it€™s a fact that I just can€™t get away from. Owls are wonderful, they just carry that certain air of superiority no matter what sub-species they are. Silent, fast and incredibly pretty besides €“ they are probably the coolest birds in the world, and seem to know that very well. As a result, I was always going to be fairly fond of a Pokémon based on an owl. And Noctowl, as you may have guessed from its name, is exactly that. It is an owl, it even comes out only at night. It carries that certain impression of silence, that nudging implication of speed, that definite look of prettiness. It is elegant and beautiful, and yet slightly dangerous. Noctowl is specifically based on a horned owl, and so also carries that air of slightly pompous majesty. I don€™t know if you€™ve ever been to an owl sanctuary, but every time that I have I€™ve always found myself most impressed by such birds. They sit puffed out on their perches like kings of the roost. And yet, when it comes to flying time, they are the most elegant things imaginable €“ swooping through the air in a way that leaves you in no doubt as to their power. Noctowl is yet another Pokémon that varies from its inspiration, however, and is yet again all the better for it. It is more slimlined, with more prominent eyes staring out of its head. The result makes it a lot more deadly, more ready to go to war than outright pompous. The slimline figure makes it seem even faster, the eyes permanently fixed in a glare have always made me feel like it was staring right into my soul. It€™s a Pokémon that you definitely want on your side, as it conveys the darkest hint of just what would happen if you actually crossed it. It is because of this that Noctowl is one of my favourite flying Pokemon. It brings to mind a real-life owl, yes, but also manages to look faster, deadlier and a little like it€™d rip out the throat of anything that dared to cross it. It is certainly a creature that you€™d like to have on your arm on a cold, lonely night.
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A Classical Studies and English Literature university student. Interested in most things ancient, Shakespeare and Doctor Who (Mainly Doctor Who, I will admit). Apparently now a vaguely official writer-type person, which is something that may never stop being a shock.