20 Greatest Sci-Fi Video Games Of All-Time

15. Dead Space 2

Dead Space 2 managed to not only be an incredible game which left us on the edge of our seats with our poor hearts in our mouths many a time, but also upstage its excellent 2008 predecessor. A survival horror game set in what must be the most desolate space station in the universe, Dead Space 2 sees you once again take control of Isaac Clarke as he returns to take on the necromorphs. After the events of the previous game Clarke ended up in an asylum subject to all manner of torture because of what he had witnessed on the Ishimura. He is set free at the start of this game and that€™s when the events of Dead Space 2 take place. Dead Space was praised for staying faithful to the survival horror elements and not turning into just another shooter like some games in the genre have been prone to. Dead Space 2 also sets up a dark and disturbing atmosphere which allows the necromorphs to seem all the more terrifying. Visceral Games remind you of how much larger the scope of Dead Space 2 is, as you return to the USG Ishimura in one chapter of the game and are reminded of how much smaller it is compared to the Sprawl. In today€™s gaming climate, survival horror is a genre which is dwindling away so the Dead Space series came and proved that the genre is still very much alive and kicking, throwing in a heavy dosage of sci-fi goodness in there for good measure.
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Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.