20 Incredible Gaming Trivia Facts You Need To Know

These gaming facts will melt your brain.

Alien Isolation
Creative Assembly

Even though video games are a relatively "young" art form compared to, say, movies, TV, music, or books, they've still amassed quite the rich history for themselves throughout the decades, don't you forget it.

To that end, there are so many incredible stories of how all of our favourite games came to be, enough that you probably don't even know the half of them, because who on Earth can possibly keep up with it all?

And so, digging back through the medium's very finest creations over the years, we stumble across 20 incredible gaming trivia facts you absolutely, positively need to know, like, right now.

From the most fascinatingly random tidbits imaginable to factoids so damn essential you'll have no idea how you didn't know them already, these 20 slivers of gaming trivia won't easily be forgotten by anyone who hears them.

From sneaky secrets concealed within the most iconic platformer of all time to jaw-dropping behind-the-scenes facts, and also the influences behind some of your favourite games, this fully loaded list is coming in hot with a bevy of tantalising and unexpected details...

20. Clouds & Bushes Are The Same Sprite In Super Mario Bros.

Alien Isolation

Let's start things off with something you'll definitely kick yourself for never noticing - and if you somehow did, bravo.

As it turns out, the clouds and the bushes in Super Mario Bros. both use the same sprites, just recoloured. As for the reason behind this? 

Though it's never been confirmed, this was likely less laziness than efficiency on the part of the developers, to work with the NES' technological limitations and recycle the same sprite for two different objects.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.