20 Infuriating Video Game Bosses Nobody Beat First Time

15. Deathshead (Wolfenstein: The New Order)

Relying on old school video game conventions, it only seemed right that Wolfenstein: The New Order should have finished with a tough-as-nails boss fight. Split into two parts, the first sees you destroying a couple of Zeppelins with anti-air guns while dodging the Nazi's attacks. However, while this is a rather tasking effort in itself (until you manage to get your bearings as to what the game actually expects you to do anyway), the real challenge doesn€™t come until the one-to-one face off against Deathshead himself in the second stage of the fight. Surrounded by engulfing flames and taking place in a mostly confined space that barely even fits the supercharged Nazi scientist, the boss fight can be a frustrating mess to navigate. The fact that Deathshead's lasers can completely rip through your armour and tear your health a new one doesn€™t help either, and the limited number of resources scattered around the level means that the even smallest mistake can result in an always frustrating restart.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3