20 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About Silent Hill

7. Models Get Reused All The Time (To Creepy Effect)

All kinds of weird stuff happens to those characters once they're actually in the game. There's a graphical glitch in the HD re-release of Silent Hill 2 (ported and upgraded for the PS3) where, towards the end of the game, the texture of Maria's eye would be swapped for the texture of her teeth, making her look a bit like the Corinthian from Sandman. Creepy, but unintentionally so. The practice shows up most freakishly in Silent Hill 2, when you find a dead body in front of a television. Despite the heavy gore you can just about make out that the body is actually James Sunderland, the character you're playing as; it acts as foreshadowing to his slumped response to watching a video later in the game, as well as being hella creepy. There are a handful of dead bodies scattered around the game that used the same model, too. In Silent Hill 3 an eviscerated corpse the player comes across is based on the model used for Angela from the second game. Meanwhile, in Silent Hill 4: The Room, the scene of Walter Sullivan removing a woman's womb in a hospital? That character model is Claudia Wolf. Pretty freaky.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/