20 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About Silent Hill

14. You Can Ring The Konami Support Line In Shattered Memories

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories isn't amongst the best the franchise has to offer. The seventh instalment was developed by British studio Climax Studios and, inexplicably, originally released solely for the Nintendo Wii. It served simultaneously as a reboot of the franchise and a remake of the first game, putting players in the shoes of an ever-so-slightly different Harry Mason again. Once again it follows the premise of Mason getting into a car crash on his way to a holiday in Silent Hill (yeah, like, who would even do that) and then struggling to track down his daughter in the aftermath. This Silent Hill, meanwhile, was buried under sheets of snow, rather than a thick haze of mist. There were some other differences in updating the story for the modern era, too. Amongst those were swapping out the busted radio €“ whose static screaming forewarned of approaching enemies in the original game €“ for a cell phone. A phone into which you could type the real-life number of Konami's support line and come up with, arguably, the creepiest moment in the entire game: a woman opolitely informs you that you are "beyond even their help".

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/