18. There Are Only Two Child Characters In The Entire Series
One of the most conspicuous absences in the GTA series is the lack of children: you won't see any as you embark on a killing spree around Liberty City or Los Santos, even though they're a natural part of life in any real city. Though the beta version of GTA III did indeed include children, they were eventually removed considering the immense controversy which would have emerged had they been included, with right-wing media outlets no doubt denouncing it as a "child killing simulator". As such, kids have also been kept out of the GTA story for the most part, with two minor exceptions. The first character is Mary-Beth Williams, a baby in Vice City Stories who ends up with both her parents killed, and secondly, there's GTA IV's Jill Von Crastenburg, a 13-year-old, Paris Hilton-like heiress whose sexual escapades are no doubt a satire of how children in the media spotlight grow up far too fast. Aside from them, kids are kept at arm's length from the very adult shenanigans taking place in these games.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.