20 Mind-Blowing Gaming Easter Eggs You Totally Missed

1. Chris Houlihan Room

Zelda loves a good Easter Egg. They€™re everywhere, and you need only wander around Ocarina of Time to spot the numerous Mario portraits on offer. But, possibly the most difficult egg to find in the entire series was nestled away in A Link To The Past. So secret, so difficult to find, its existence wasn€™t widely known until the dawn of the internet. In the 90s Chris Houlihan won a competition in gaming magazine Nintendo Power, where the prize was to have his name appear hidden within the game and if you try hard enough you can find it in several locations where you€™ll read: "My name is Chris Houlihan. This is my top-secret room. Keep it between us, okay?" Best competition ever. What gaming Easter Eggs did you waste many an hour in pursuit of? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

Comedian, gamer, film fanatic.