20 More Things Only Dark Souls Fans Will Understand

14. The Joy Of Finding A Bonfire

Dark Souls

Checkpoints in games are always useful, but there's nothing like a Souls game to make you so very thankful for seeing one.

The humble bonfire is like a beacon of hope in the otherwise terrifying world of Dark Souls. You move from your bonfire after dying and you wade through a horrible quagmire of monsters, nasty traps and other things that want to kill you. You trudge valiantly onwards, a little at a time, your estus supplies dwindling rapidly, your health almost gone.

You round a corner or you open a door, and there, like an absolute saint, lies a small little bonfire, just waiting for you to plonk your backside down next to.

There's nothing quite like the relief you'll feel when this happens, particularly when it's taken you about fifty tries to get through the last area.

Then of course, you must step away from your piece of refuge and do it all once more. Such is the cycle of Dark Souls; a moment of joy, then about thirty minutes of complete concentration and fear.

We'd have it no other way.

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Dark Souls
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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.