20 More Things Only Dark Souls Fans Will Understand

13. Ever Feel Like You're Going In Circles?

Dark Souls

Dark Souls combat is one of the best parts of the game. It's why ever since the series became popular, a lot of other games such as The Surge or Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order have copied elements of the combat and put their own spin on it.

One of the things about the combat any Dark Souls player will be familiar with is the constant, relentless circling of enemies you'll be doing. After locking on to the enemy, you'll find yourself routinely shuffling around and around the enemy, waiting for the perfect moment to inflict a backstab and do loads of damage.

We've all been there as well when the backstab doesn't work, leaving you wide open to attack. We've also been there when an enemy's AI has evolved and they know you're going for a backstab, dodge out of the way and slam you down to the ground and sap most of your health.

Honestly, you probably spend about 90% of Dark Souls going around in a circle, dodging enemy attacks and going for those all-important critical hits. The other 10% is navigating the environment and being killed by it.

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Dark Souls
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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.