20 Most Anticipated Video Games Of 2018 - Ranked

2. The Last Of Us 2

The Last Of Us Part 2
Naughty Dog

Like many, I've been firmly in the "Just leave it be" camp for The Last of Us 2, but time and again Naughty Dog's genius scribes tend to pull a phenomenal script out of nowhere, justifying these otherwise unnecessary sequels against all odds.

First it was Uncharted 4 - which reframed Drake as a retired adventurer longing for the 'high' of treasure-hunting - and then Uncharted Lost Legacy, which for my money is the second-best Uncharted of them all (nothing beats 2).

Now with The Last of Us, we know nothing other than its gameplay will take place across larger environments rather like those of Uncharted 4 and LL, or the suburbs area of the first game. Ellie is all grown up, having taken to despising the Fireflies over the course of five years for lying to the populace about having a cure - though you have to wonder how much of that has been frantically filled in by Joel, as he hides the truth no matter what.

A tale that's set to mix the question of "How far would you go to protect someone you love?" with various factions hunting Ellie because we know she does have the cure to the cordycep outbreak, The Last of Us 2 will be nothing short of harrowing.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.