20 Most Anticipated Video Games of 2025

17. Lost Records: Bloom & Rage

Grand Theft Auto VI Lucia
Don't Nod

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage is the latest project from original Life is Strange developer Don't Nod, and will revolve around four friends who reunite after a 27-year absence.

Set in both 1995 and 2022, Lost Records looks set to tell the sort of supernaturally tinged tale of friendship that Don't Nod is all too familiar with, while returning to the spaced-out episodic release format that defined the earlier Life is Strange titles.

The game will be split into two "tapes" releasing exactly a month apart, which the developer hopes will give players time to think on the story and where it might be headed. 

Above all else, the production values certainly look like a massive leap from their prior work in the genre.

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage releases on February 18 (Tape 1) and March 18 (Tape 2).

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.