20 Most Intense Video Game Moments Ever

3. Fighting Ornstein & Smough - Dark Souls

Dark souls ornstein and smough

You can't say "boss battles" without Ornstein & Smough. The pair are responsible for more broken controllers and housebound damage than a thousand bouts of Call of Duty.

There's just something about the lopsided way Dark Souls designs its enemy encounters i.e. everybody other than you tends to move faster or have a greater degree of athleticism, meaning that tackling two hulking bosses leaping about the place is challenging just to keep them on screen.

Focus on one too much and the other will instant-kill you from behind. Mistime an attack or heal at the wrong time and you're toast - do pretty much anything other than memorise every attack pattern and have luck on your side, and you're done.

Oh, and whichever one you beat first will be absorbed into the survivor, putting you up against even more attacks and wider damage arcs.

How lovely.

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