20 Most Jaw-Dropping Games of 2012

8. Thirty Flights of Loving

DA740FA277EF61423CF3C3EB74C004214834CC03 Four playthroughs and I still can€™t tell you what Brendon Chung€™s Thirty Flights of Loving is about €” plot wise, anyway. Thematically, it€™s about love, loss, betrayal, freedom, all those great themes usually associated with literature. But Chung€™s games €” at least Thirty Flights of Loving and Gravity Bone €” feel like they have more in common with short stories than they do with what traditionally passes for a video game. I won€™t discuss the specifics of either game since to do so would possibly tarnish your first experience with them. Just trust me on this: play both of them. Gravity Bone is free; Thirty Flights of Loving is dirt cheap. I can almost guarantee you€™ll want to dive right back into Thirty Flights of Loving after your first play-through and figure out what the Hell just happened.
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Javy Gwaltney is an aspiring author, screenwriter, and essayist from South Carolina. He also likes to write about video games. You can find his articles on those at Bitmob and Whatculture! If you like, you can follow him on twitter: https://twitter.com/JavyIV