20 Most Jaw-Dropping Games of 2012

14. Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2 brought us back to the world of Pandora for another exciting, hilarious loot hunt. Superior to the original in every way, the second game features a compelling villain and a beautiful cel-shaded world filled with boner-farts, maniacs, and dangerous midgets. Moreover, you can play Borderlands 2 by yourself and still have a blast, whereas the first one was a drudge if you didn€™t have your pals along for the ride. Combine this with the high quality barrel of laughs DLC that Gearbox has been releasing and the flexible skill trees of each class, and you€™ve got one fine game worthy of being played over and over again. What are you waiting for, vault hunter? Load up. There€™s loot that needs to be got. Oh, and a world that needs to be saved, I guess€but more importantly, loot!
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Javy Gwaltney is an aspiring author, screenwriter, and essayist from South Carolina. He also likes to write about video games. You can find his articles on those at Bitmob and Whatculture! If you like, you can follow him on twitter: https://twitter.com/JavyIV