20 Most Powerful Video Game Weapons Ever
The most powerful weapons in the history of gaming - ranked.

There are two types of video game power fantasy, when you boil it down to the basics:
The kind where your character is naturally imbued with the power to complete a task easily, and where you're given a tool that helps you do the same thing. Video games have given us both of these things in equal measure over the years, but there's something unbelievably cool about wielding a super-powerful, all-killing... thing, right there in your hands.
There's something so viscerally satisfying about a really good video game weapon. Mainly because it's YOU behind the trigger, but compared to famous weapons from movies, books or TV, gaming tends to hold nothing back, cementing our beloved medium at the top of the firepower food chain.
However, assuming all video game weapons share the same universe and mythology, which would come out on top?
Which are the most versatile, consistently useful, and of course, which make the biggest boom?
Note: We'll stick to one weapon per franchise, just to keep things interesting.
20. The Apoca-Fists (Saints Row The Third)

You know you're in for a treat of a list when Saints Row The Third, a game so over the top, you suspect there was never a top to begin with, is in last place.
The Apoca-Fists are oversized costume fists you get as an optional reward for defeating Killbane in the mission "Murderbrawl XXXI". Considering that the only other option is the guy's mask, which does exactly jack-all, there's no question which prize you should choose. The Apoca-Fists reduce pretty much anything you hit with them into gory bits flying across the city. Totaling at a staggering 2000 damage per hit, there's basically nothing short of a tank that can take a direct hit from these bad boys and still keep moving in any significant capacity.
If you need anymore proof that these weapons kick 15 kinds of ass, you can actually beat the canonical final boss - Kia - with them without having to make her let go of Shaundi first. One of the most tedious final bosses in gaming history, reduced to a one-two punch.