20 Most Powerful Video Game Weapons Ever

17. Bayonetta's Hair (Bayonetta)

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Hair so badass that its owner just said "screw it, I'll make my clothes out of this stuff." We'll give you a moment to process how gross that is.

Anyway, we thought about putting Bayonetta's pistols on this list instead, but like Ebony and Ivory from Devil May Cry, they only really serve to help you rack up combos. Whereas Bayonetta's hair is how you END a combo, and with it the lives of any poor sod who thought to cross the wildest witch.

Able to hit with forces so powerful, that Platinum games had to make words up to describe it, Bayonetta uses her hair to take on angels, demons, and even punch god so hard that the bitch flies straight into the sun after rocketing through the entire solar system.

We could argue all day whether or not this counts as a weapon since it's part of Bayo's body. But to that I argue that if the weapon in question lets you summon a giant hair dragon to scoop up angels and devour them like so much popcorn, then it gets to call itself whatever it wants.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?