20 Most Replayable Video Games Of The Decade (So Far)

19. Batman: Arkham Knight

Say what you want about Arkham City, it's Knight that polished the open-world Batman experience to a mirror sheen. Combat is sped up to carry on where City left off, there are additional traversal options that see you firing yourself across Gotham at lightspeed, and the story - although thoroughly disappointing for self-identifying Batman fans - is still a rollicking ride through the Dark Knight's finest villains. Many complained about the Batmobile, but honestly it's just about the biggest injection of pure power fantasy wish-fulfilment since thwacking a string of enemies with Halo's Gravity Hammer. Batman Arkham Knight is what Rocksteady have been striving towards for years; a vision of Gotham that requires you take up the mantle as its watchful protector, and for that, it's the finest Batman-themed experience you'll ever have.
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