20 Most Under-Appreciated Video Games Of The Decade (So Far)
Hey Ubisoft, we're still waiting for Sam to come back...

From the revolutionary days of 2010's Red Dead Redemption to the quality-tested, perfect headshots of Destiny 2, this decade has seen its fair share of blockbusters. Naughty Dog rose above the entirety of the competition by creating some of the best motion-captured performances in gaming history, Call of Duty went down a bizarre sci-fi-focused route (eventually emerging back where it started), and the indie movement went from experimental game mechanics in 2013, to essentially being the perfect alternative to anything labelled as 'triple-A'.
Though, with an industry that's only grown exponentially - now rolling in piles of cash bigger than both movies and music - it's resulted in all the largest studios crafting experiences with more overblown marketing budgets, nigh-on demanding you pay attention to their latest project.
Such visions for games are always backed up by thousands of hours of algorithm-crunching to - in theory - create the 'perfect game'; a refined sense of scope that produces the likes of Destiny 2 or Agents of Mayhem. But what if you want something a little different? Something a little more 'passionate' or dare I say it, artistic?
There have been hundreds of games released since 2010, but have you played the best ones?