20 Most Underrated Pokémon In History

18. Raichu

Pokemon Raichu
The Pokémon Company

Suffering in the shadow of a younger sibling is a foul fate to befall anyone, and in the case of Raichu, it's something that's had to be suffered for twenty years. Never achieving anywhere near the level of popularity that franchise mascot - and pre-evolution - Pikachu has enjoyed, Raichu has been under-appreciated for years.

As with many creatures that evolve through the use of stones, Raichu has also suffered for learning no new moves after its evolution. This is unimportant, however, and a Raichu should definitely be considered if you're looking to fill an Electric Type slot on your team.

But, before barrelling into the evolution, consider Brock's wise words to Ash in the anime series. Let your Pikachu boost its speed for around 40-50 levels and naturally pick up its best moves first. That way your Raichu will benefit from boosted HP while still enjoying the rewards of being as spry as Pikachu is.

Since it also has a surprisingly good physical attack stat you'll also want to give it a Thunder Punch or, if you're lucky, Volt Tackle to really kick it into high battling gear!

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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.