20 Most Underrated Video Games Of 2016

9. Mafia III

mafia 3 III

Say what you like about how repetitive Mafia III's combat becomes in the long run - it easily has some of the finest third-person shooting of any open-world crime game.

You'll bludgeon enemies with brutally effective melee attacks, pop headshots from afar, call in hit-squads and even have a mobile armoury on-hand to restock and change your loadout at any point.

The story is one of the most innovative in all of gaming, and the world design overall contains one of the most impressive showcases of a particular time period since GTA: Vice City.

It's a shame the balance of things to do falls a little too much towards gunplay, but if that aspect of the experience clicks, Mafia III might be your new favourite crime game of choice.

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Gaming Editor

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