20 Most Underrated Video Games Of 2016

10. Watch Dogs 2

Watch Dogs 2

Watch Dogs 2's impact on the gaming sphere was like a mouse farting in the distance, its sales dropping off a staggering 80% from the original.

Such statistics are testament to the power of consumers voting with their wallets, yet what Ubisoft have done here is 'another Assassin's Creed II'. Which is to say, they fixed everything people didn't like about the original and course-corrected to the point where Watch Dogs' world and game mechanics are actually pretty damn enjoyable.

You'll infiltrate all manner of high-tech compounds, deploy drones to explore and play with enemy A.I. in equal measure, take selfies at the most inopportune/opportune times - all whilst some pretty solid and genuinely funny dialogue fleshes out a world of hackers around you.

If you can find it cheap, Watch Dogs 2 is everything the original should've been, and then some.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.