20 Most Underrated Video Games Of 2016

8. Headlander

Headlander game
Double Fine

From the masterminds over at Double Fine (who you can thank for everything from Psychonauts to Broken Age), Headlander is a Metroidvania-style side-on action adventure with a concept you just wouldn't get anywhere else.

Playing as a random disembodied head - complete with rocket boosters - you'll alternate between docking with a variety of bodies (everything from gun-happy guards to tiny dogs and random dancers) to flying around various environments yourself, the gameplay being a tight mix of shooting and light puzzle-solving.

It all takes place under a brilliantly enjoyable 60s psychedelia backdrop, mixing wakka-wakka guitar music with disco balls and lava lamps - a recipe that's every bit as enjoyable to play as it is to imagine.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.