20 PlayStation Games You Must Play Before You Die

1. Metal Gear Solid

The one game that changed everything, simply by twinning Hideo Kojima's unique eye for directorial flair with an east-meets-west ideology of gigantic mechs and gruff wise-cracking action heroes, Metal Gear pretty much united the world. Oh, and it reinvented the stealth genre all over again - literally every 3D stealth title owes everything to this. Following overwhelming success, the series would go on to run for another 28 years, pulling at various plot threads to establish not only one of the most diehard fanbases around, but a mythology that's as fun to watch unfold as it is to read up on. Seriously, there's a dude called Hot Coldman who works for the CIA, just go with it. MGS V: The Phantom Pain would wrap things up with a potentially tight bow depending on how much you love its very final plot twist, but for this inaugural instalment that cast you as Solid Snake and had you take down the nefarious Foxhound one unique boss battle at a time, it's unbeatable. From the PS1 to the PS4, what's are the most important PlayStation games you simply must experience? Let us know in the comments!
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