20 PS4 Exclusives - Ranked From Worst To Best

8. Transistor

transistor game ps4
Supergiant Games

Another fantastic indie dev, SuperGiant games brought you 2011's Bastion, only to then take their gorgeous, hand-drawn animation style and spin a completely different, sci-fi tale instead.

Taking place in a utopian data-driven city gone awry (as they always do), you play as Red, an opera singer wielding a talking sword (yes really). It gets better from there though, as combat plays out like PS2 gem Alter Echo, seeing you plan multiple moves as time stands still, only to hit a button and watch them all play out.

Weapon upgrades come in the form of various mods combining to create unique abilities, and as the world's lore is also tucked away behind using said abilities, you're actively encouraged to experiment just to get the full picture. Genius.

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