20 Scariest Video Games Of All-Time

6. Silent Hill

Silent Hill Homecoming

When you were growing up, chances are you either got your hands on one of two games: Resident Evil, or Silent Hill. Chances are that you also turned off these games about 10 minutes in, because they're both absolutely horrific, only to come back time and time again, pushing yourself a little bit further with each play through, and then, nope, gotta shut down the console again.

Silent Hill, then, was all about the atmosphere - the sleepy, fog-infested town of the game's title isn't one quickly forgotten, after all. So whereas the original Resident Evil seemed to thrive more or less on the gore factor, Silent Hill tried to get inside your head - within the first half-hour, you've already been led down a eerie alleyway and ambushed by mutant baby things, who presume to murder you alive no matter how hard you try to escape.

Only then are you set loose in the abandoned nightmare that is Silent Hill. The game is, without question, downright weird - the hallucinations, the dialogue, the characters... equally disturbing. It damn well stretched the nerves.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.