20 Severely Underrated Video Games From The 2000s

10. Scarface: The World Is Yours

The World Is Yours places players in control of the iconic Tony Montana in an alternate take on the film in which he survives the climactic shootout, before attempting to wrestle back control of his criminal empire. You'll cruise the streets of open-world Miami as you fight off rival gangs, complete missions for several associates, and ward off the boys in blue as they attempt to put a halt to your illicit activities. Sound familiar? Well, don't write off The World Is Yours as a soulless Vice City clone just yet, as Scarface actually managed to improve upon quite a bit from Rockstar's signature series. Scarface's main draw was the "Empire" system, which refers to your progress in reclaiming Miami's criminal underworld. The more territory you controlled, the more features you unlocked; such as the ability to purchase vehicles, hire hit-men and buy storefronts. Many crime-sims promise a godfather-like grip on the criminal underworld, but few deliver beyond the superficiality of "let's throw more money at them"-style rewards. Scarface however, excelled in recreating the puppeteer-like control that you would ideally have in a position of such power. Throw in a location-specific shooting system, an authentic '80s soundtrack and the hilariously named "balls meter" - which when full grants you 'rage mode' (don't look at me, I'm not making this stuff up) - and you've got an open-world sim to rival Vice City any day of the week.

Carlos Jimenez hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.