20 Things All Parents Of Minecraft-Obsessed Kids Will Understand
8. Everything You Build Gets Destroyed
You've cleared an entire forest and finally built the log cabin of your nightmares for your child. The next logical step is for your youngling to set fire to the cabin and watch it all burn to the ground. Why? Because screw your accomplishments, BUILD IT AGAIN!
7. The Game Never Gets Any Easier
For a game that's this popular with the kids, it can be insanely difficult to achieve even the most basic of things. There's like eight steps needed just to build your first tool, and it only gets increasingly complicated from there. There are even books available online that exist just to teach you how to do it all.
Any time I'm not writing, I'm likely arguing about children's cartoons with strangers on the internet or staring at my ceiling and wondering where it all went wrong.