20 Things All Parents Of Minecraft-Obsessed Kids Will Understand

4. Diamonds Are A Kid's Best Friend

If you manage to find a pocket of diamonds while working as a mine slave for your child, you'll be their hero for the day. Its the exact same reaction as if you saved their pet from a burning building. Sure, its always a good feeling to make your kids happy, but this feels like a hollow victory. All you did was find them some pretend rocks. It just ain't right.

3. We're In This Together

Despite its mega popularity, Minecraft merchandise can be really hard to find when you're looking for a specific toy. Just this last Christmas I worked together with a group of like minded strangers to find everything we needed. It was desperate networking at it's finest. We were all strangers, but we were brothers in arms that day.
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Any time I'm not writing, I'm likely arguing about children's cartoons with strangers on the internet or staring at my ceiling and wondering where it all went wrong.