20 Things Only 30-Something Gamers Will Understand

1. Blowing In Cartridges Made Them Work

Blowing Into A Game Cartridge
Junkie Monkeys

Everybody knows this is scientifically proven to get old games working.

It's a problem that has plagued the tech industry since the 70s and it's still an issue today as headphone sockets and charging holes in smartphones and tablets clog up with dust, dead skin, breadcrumbs and belly fluff.

Tech gurus recommend firing compressed air into these gadgety cul-de-sacs, an instinctive idea first tempered duringĀ the golden era of gaming when a sharp, concentrated puff did quite nicely.

It looked unconventional as parents thought their kids had lost their marbles but it was a necessary evil because a night without gaming is no night at all.

Geeks recommend not doing this any more because moisture is bad for microchips or something so remember to pick up a handy can of compressed air when you're next down the shops.

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