20 Things Only 30-Something Gamers Will Understand

16. Joystick Envy Was Real

Blowing Into A Game Cartridge

To enhance playability the video game world was keen to move away from computer-based keyboards and borrowed a few inventions from other industries, not least of all the joystick.

Originally used in aviation to fly aircraft it become synonymous with arcade-dwellers and home-gamers as the obvious choice for controlling ships, cars, bikes and people.

The most iconic of all is the Atari-style, all black with a singular red button. A timeless classic that would soon be cast aside in favour of more muscular, button-heavy controllers.

Three others really stand out. The wiggle-tastic Quickshot, the chunky Cheetah 125, and the agile Competition Pro with it's striking red stick and two bright red buttons.

Which one a gamer used was down to choice, budget and individual playing style. It varied from player to player and it most definitely mattered.

The NES had R.O.B, the Robotic Operating Buddy, the Power Glove, the LaserScope and the wobbly Roll & Rocker... And all too soon the golden era of joysticks was over.

Then the bubble burst and ergonomic controllers came to the fore like the ones from Sony and Microsoft). They're more formalised and easier to use sure, but a lot less personal. 

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