20 Things Only Resident Evil Fans Will Understand

6. Tyrants Aren€™t Just Political Dictators

Tyrants have been ubiquitous to Resident Evil from the first game onwards. The first was supposed to be Albert Wesker€™s piece de resistance in bio-chemical weaponry. Hilariously, when he presented his Tyrant to Jill/Chris at the end of the original Resident Evil, the Tyrant€™s first move was to 'mortally wound' him before being taken down with a single shot. Bit of a disappointment. William Birkin has a better stab at being a menacing Tyrant in Resident Evil 2: he is fairly impressive in his nastiness, but again he is not very satisfying to kill. Later Resident Evil bosses would be much, much harder to kill, requiring a huge arsenal of weapons and they make the original Tyrant look like Jigglypuff.

5. Tofu Is The Most Bad-Ass Substance In The World

If you are a really, really good player of Resident Evil 2, you will be intrigued by the game€™s depth. Yes, we have a Leon disk and a Claire disk and you can have fun with both but there are further missions to explore. If you perform particularly well and complete both scenarios it opens up the Hunk mission where you have to make your way from the sewers to the police station rooftop in a limited amount of time, with limited ammo and the place is heaving with various monsters. Complete this tricky scenario and you unlock Tofu, the least likely hero in the history of gaming, who takes some serious skill to succeed with. Watching players put Tofu through his paces without receiving any damage at all is an amazing piece of highly skilled computer gaming. Kudos to all who managed it.

My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!