20 Underrated Hidden Gaming Gems Of The Current Generation You Need To Play

18. The Evil Within

The Evil Within headshot
Tango Gameworks

For whatever reason, Shinji Mikami's return to over-shoulder survival horror just didn't resonate back in 2014, even though The Evil Within was pretty much the sequel to Resident Evil 4 the fans never got.

Seriously, there's even a lengthy section in a dilapidated, mist-covered village and a chainsaw-wielding madman baying for your blood.

Regardless, Tango Gameworks' survival horror was routed in the old school in all the right ways. Boss battles against hulking, gory monstrosities, 'tank control'-like movement that mimicked that 2005 masterpiece, a story that unfolded slowly before going completely off the rails - it's a blast from start to finish.

Hopefully its lacklustre sales don't halt progress on what would surely be an even more polished sequel.

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