20 Video Game Bosses You Must Defeat Before You Die

19. Colossus Of Rhodes (God Of War II)

God of War II got off to a bang with its first boss, which was vastly superior to every single boss in the previous game and made it clear just how high the bar had been raised. Zeus brings the Colossus of Rhodes to life at the start of the game, using much of Kratos' own power to do so, causing it to rampage around Rhodes as Kratos attempts to bring it to a stop. The battle is epic and lengthy, spanning three separate encounters, as Kratos slowly dismantles part of the statue, including its eye and its fist. After Kratos smashes an entrance into the Colossus' body cavity, he manages to fell the beast, though hubris gets the best of him, and as he taunts Zeus, the Colossus' falling hand ends up crushing Kratos, severely wounding him enough for Zeus to kill him, setting the events of the rest of the game in motion. However, God of War II never reaches this peak again, a high-wire, extremely diverse, cinematic boss fight that defined the word "epic".
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.